Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Antique Toys

Are you a lover and collector of antique toys? Do you find yourself scouring garage sales and flea markets for anything over a hundred years old? If so, you are just one of many people across the globe in what was once a niche collecting community.

Such antique toys pull in major dollars wherever buyers are found. Naturally, with the increases role of the internet in the collectibles market, such buying and selling has taken on a whole new sort of nature. And this has sent prices even higher.

Barbie dolls are the sort of niche that commands a high price in the open collectors market. Barbie has been consistently popular for decades and that has led to the magnitude of toys that exist and the amount of interest that follows them. If you have some in good condition there is a good chance that you might be able to sell them depending on how old they are.

Another toy, obscure but popular, is the classic old jack-in-the-box. Everybody has seen them but few people can get ahold of them these days. They have experience a rise in popularity over the years due to their iconic nature and their relative obscurity.

Of course, nothing will ever overtake baseball toys in popularity. This subcategory of plaything includes everything from balls and gloves to the ever popular baseball cards. Despite economic volatility, these things never seem to decrease in value.

Know this: just because a toy is not in the highest quality condition, it doesn't mean it has lost its value. True, value is tied to the assessed state of a given item, but value is more complicated than that.

As time progresses, so does the popularity of antique toy collecting. It just never seems to be going away. It may be more aging adults looking back nostalgically to their youth or it may just be the lure of a possible investment. Whatever the case, collecting old toys is something that never seems to go out of style. Conversely, it seems to increase in popularity over time.

www.made-from-india.com - Find Toys manufacturers, Toys exporters and Toys suppliers with the advent of the internet, more and more shops are selling their wares through the net. There are many online toy stores and just a search on the net will reveal many of them. It makes sense to buy toys online. One can compare prices and also browse through different types of toys fro the comfort of their home. There are so many categories of toys including educational toys (like mecanno), intelligent toys (remember the robot which whistles and moves if you clap your hands).

Friday, December 17, 2010

Hot Christmas Toys 2010

Looking for hot Christmas toys 2010?

It is that time of year again. The time of year that's everyone's favorite because we get to spend that special time with the important people in our lives, to enjoy singing Christmas carols, and we also get to participate in the biggest shopping season of the year.

The Christmas season can often catch you by surprise, therefore it's easy to feel unprepared and overwhelmed.

Not to worry. You won't experience these feelings this year. "Why?," you ask? Because I am going to give you information on the hot Christmas toys for 2010 and tell you how you can get great deals on them.

Christmas is probably most people's favorite holiday because of the reasons mentioned above and because of the kids. As much as we all enjoy this time of year, no one looks forward to Christmas more than children. Knowing this, its time to get started planning how you will make Christmas 2010 a very special one for your little angels. Giving your children a Christmas to remember can bring on anxiety if you don't know what to buy or where to go.

Not to fret. The following is a starter list of hot Christmas toys for 2010. Use these ideas to start your Christmas list and you'll be on your way to fulfilling all the excitement of your precious little ones. Then read on to find out where you can get great deals on these and more.

Xbox 360 with Kinect - The Kinect is the new motion sensor that allows you to control your game character without a game controller. You read this right. The way you move is how your character moves. Even your facial expressions dictate your character's facial expressions. Amazing!

Paper Jamz - Innovative toy guitars, drums and amplifiers that don't seem like toys at all. Although they are made of 'paper', your children are able to play real songs on these instruments with no cords or guitar strings. That's right, no strings. The Paper Jamz guitars and other instruments operate by simply touching them. That's really neat.

Zhu Zhu Pets - Furry little stuffed hamsters that run and play on their own. The play toys and accommodations you get for them are really cute and make watching these little guys a lot of fun. They have their own bed, car, boat, hotel, ramp and lots lots more. They can have everything a hip hamster needs.

The Chatman Toy - An interactive toy companion for your kids. He plugs into a PC using a USB connection and is able to converse back and forth with your child. Your child will have a ball hanging out with The Chatman. He surfs the internet, reads chat messages out loud and has a built-in parental control. You will appreciate being alerted if your child violates the guidelines you set up. He really is a win win toy pick in terms of giving your child hours of endless fun and giving you the peace of mind of knowing that if there's a problem, the Chatman will sound the alarm.

This is a short list of the hot Christmas toys 2010. There are more very exciting hot toys on the market that are sure to make any kid's Christmas a very memorable one.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Top Baby Educational Toys

Educational baby toys are meant to be fun while they stimulate learning and aid in brain development of infants. There are thousands of educational toys for babies on the market today. Parents usually have a hard time choosing developmental toys that are effective, age appropriate and fun. Learning toys for infants must stimulate hearing, vision and touch. At the same time, it is important for parents to remember that baby educational toys do not have to be expensive or high-tech in order to stimulate a child's creativity and curiosity.

Fisher Price Brilliant Basics Baby's First Blocks

Blocks are recognized to be one of the best baby educational toys ever invented. They stimulate a baby's creativity and aid in his overall development. The Fisher Price Brilliant Basics Baby's First Blocks consist of 10 brightly colored blocks of different shapes. They can be dropped into an open bucket or pushed through a shape-sorting lid. As the baby grows older, he can move on to sorting, stacking, and identifying colors and shapes. These blocks are recommended for babies 6 months to 3 years old.

This baby toy encourages the development of motor skills. Filling the bucket with blocks and dumping them out strengthens eye-to-hand coordination. Grasping and sorting blocks develops hand dexterity. Playing with the blocks also stimulates creative thinking and enhances problem-solving skills.

Baby's First Blocks are available at Amazon.com, with prices starting at less than eight dollars.

LeapFrog Spin and Sing Alphabet Zoo

Babies can learn the alphabet, animal names and sounds with this baby educational toy from LeapFrog. A catchy tune plays while the ball is spinning. Letters of the alphabet are introduced using animal names. The Spin and Sing Alphabet Zoo helps babies develop their motor skills by batting or spinning the wheel over and over again.

Babies as well as parents will love the catchy songs. This toy is very entertaining and will hold a young child's attention for hours. It is highly recommended for babies who are 6 months to 3 years old.
This educational toy for babies is amazingly durable and well made. It is definitely worth a lot more than its price of less than $20 at Amazon.com.

Melissa & Doug Deluxe Bug Jug Fill & Spill Soft Baby Toy

Fill and spill toys come with their own containers for self-storage. They're great for hours of play at home and as a travel toy. Babies love the Melissa & Doug Deluxe Bug Jug Fill & Spill Soft Baby Toy for little ones age 6 months and up.

Four bugs made of soft materials come in a plastic jug with mesh fabric top. These multi-textured toy bugs crinkle, squeak, jingle and rattle. There's a grasshopper, spider, ladybug and butterfly.

This soft baby educational toy helps your baby develop fine motor skills as well as hand-eye coordination. The toys are machine washable, which is great because some babies like to stuff the bugs in their mouths. Different textures help stimulate your baby's tactile senses.

Friday, November 26, 2010

The History Of Wooden Toys

Toys have been an important part of childhood since early civilization and while children today are much different than those thousands of years ago, many of their favorite toys are similar to those that have been around for centuries. As long ago as the ancient Greek and Roman empires, children are known to have played with dolls, horses, and chariots. The earliest toys discovered by archaeologists were all made of wood.

Wooden toys continued to be a common part of childhood for thousands of years. By the 1700's, German toymakers began to craft a variety of toys from wood to sell to the general public. Salesmen would travel around Europe to market the popular wooden toys, taking advance orders for special occasions and often for custom made wooden toys. Almost life-like dolls and animals were becoming favorite playthings for children all over Europe.

Over the next century, toymakers became more elaborate and detailed with their wooden creations. Wooden miniatures like dollhouses and theaters became popular during the 19th century, as well as wooden toy soldiers. Many wooden toys, like the classic Jack in a box, were hand painted with bright, vivid colors. Wooden trains, along with their wooden tracks, were one of the best selling toys during this time period.

By the end of World War II, a number of new materials had been introduced to the manufacturing industry including still popular plastic. The production of wooden toys steadily declined as more and more toymakers opted for cheaper and more modern materials. Plastic toys were much easier for mass production and were more affordable to families with children.

Today, wooden toys are rarely seen on the shelves of traditional toy stores but the charm and appeal of these childhood classics has kept a number of wooden toy manufacturers in business. A variety of wooden toys can be purchased online, from miniature appliances to small novelty gifts and games.

Wooden toys are typically simple playthings that encourage a child to use their imaginations. Wooden puzzles encourage children to develop cognitively as well as develop fine motor skills. Wooden ride-on toys and pedal cars enhance physical skills and gross motor development. Whether it is a fire station or a farmhouse, miniature wooden play sets aid in social and emotional development. Wooden toys hold great educational value because of their simplicity.

Plastic toys are still generally less expensive than wooden toys and are considered safer by some because of the flammability of older wooden toys and possible injuries from thrown or falling wooden objects, but wooden toys do not contain toxic PVC like plastic toys do. Wooden toys are the most durable toys and can usually last through generations of play.

Today's wooden toys are just as innovative, if not more so, than modern, electronic toys. Cars, trucks, and wooden wind-ups make wonderful gifts and wooden pull along toys delight toddlers. Quiet games like chess and checkers, and even tic-tac-toe can be found made of wood, as well as physical games like ring toss.

www.made-from-india.com - Find Toys manufacturers, Toys exporters and Toys suppliers with the advent of the internet, more and more shops are selling their wares through the net. There are many online toy stores and just a search on the net will reveal many of them. It makes sense to buy toys online. One can compare prices and also browse through different types of toys fro the comfort of their home. There are so many categories of toys including educational toys (like mecanno), intelligent toys (remember the robot which whistles and moves if you clap your hands).

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Bakugan Toys

Do you know what is guaranteed to be at the top of every kids Christmas list this year? Bakugan Toys! Yes there is a new toy craze in town and every kid from here to the Philippines wants it! Bakugan mania is in full storm in the US! Toys R Us can't keep these toys in stock, they sell out as fast as they are putting them on the shelves. There are national tournaments being hosted by Toys R US, and Activison has even signed on to make a Bakugan Video Game. But what exactly are these popular Bakugan Brawlers and why are they so popular?

Remember when you were a kid and you had the biggest collection of marbles in your neighborhood? Well, imagine if those marbles transformed into robots and monsters when you rolled them, springing to action with hidden magnets when they hit the field? That's pretty much what you get with Bakugan, it's a new spin on a classic game. The game itself comes from the Japanese Anime cartoon called Bakugan Battle Brawlers. First aired in 2007 it was a wild success. In fact it has been signed on for a new season called "New Vestroia." In the show, the main characters and their Bakugan buddies battle to protect the Earth from the evil Naga who wants the ultimate power and control of two universes.

The characters play the game by throwing down their cards and letting their Bakugan balls do the talking. The monsters within are released, and the most powerful Bakugan wins the battle.

Every year it seems like there is a new popular cartoon-made-into-a-game. Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh, Digimon, and the list goes on. This year promises to take that to a new level. Not only do kids get to play with the cards, they have the Bakugan Spheres as well to play with. When the spheres hit the magnetic cards they pop open revealing what is inside. The players can use their ability cards to boost the Bakugan's 'G power' and the strongest one wins the match.

The game itself is simple enough for your younger ones to play, but also has enough complexities to keep the older ones entertained for hours. It's also a great way to help your kids learn math. With two levels of strategy, not just your cards but also rolling your spheres, there is enough here to captivate parents as well. Although be sure you don't let your kids know!

Bakugan are guaranteed to be super popular this year, Toys R Us is having a difficult time keeping them in stock and many are being sold for much more than market price. It will just get more expensive as time goes on, so score yours today and save!

www.made-from-india.com - Find Toys manufacturers, Toys exporters and Toys suppliers with the advent of the internet, more and more shops are selling their wares through the net. There are many online toy stores and just a search on the net will reveal many of them. It makes sense to buy toys online. One can compare prices and also browse through different types of toys fro the comfort of their home. There are so many categories of toys including educational toys (like mecanno), intelligent toys (remember the robot which whistles and moves if you clap your hands).

Friday, November 12, 2010

Teacup Pig ToysToys

Last years toy pet substitute was the Zhu zhu Pets hamsters without the mess. This year sees the release of new Teacup Piggy Toys as substitutes for the controversial Teacup Pig pets. Teacup Pigs off course being mini pot belly pigs bred for the purpose of serving as household pets. Despite their cute factor and obvious popularity real pet pigs do require more care than the average pet. This is however good news for parents who are looking for toys substitutes this holiday season. The new toy teacup pigs may just be the mess free alternative you have been looking for.

Made by Toyeck, the teacup pig toys are articulated with movable feet and head. Teacup Piggies also come with a vocabulary of 25 words making them nearly more interactive than real piggies. There are a total of fifteen Pig Toys to collect. Each pig, with its unique personality and matching accessories. The toys come in three litters the first batch being born on Christmas Day, 25 December 2009. These include Snowflake, High Tips Locket, Goldie, and Copper and Princess.

The second Litter of Teacup Piggies was born on New Year's Day, 1 January 2010. This litter is made up of Carat, Jade, Glitter, Ivory, Denim, and Bling. The last Litter is born 1 February 2010 and is made up of three little piggies Emmie, Oscar and Jade. Each Piggy has a cup and matching accessories. Kids can create also play dress up with their piggies from the range of outfits available. Play sets including a Teacup Piggies Electronic Lights & Sounds Showtime Limo, Lights & Sounds Beauty Spa Play Set And a Fashion Runway Play Set- all sure to have kids entertained for hours.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Top Baby Educational Toys

Educational baby toys are meant to be fun while they stimulate learning and aid in brain development of infants. There are thousands of educational toys for babies on the market today. Parents usually have a hard time choosing developmental toys that are effective, age appropriate and fun. Learning toys for infants must stimulate hearing, vision and touch. At the same time, it is important for parents to remember that baby educational toys do not have to be expensive or high-tech in order to stimulate a child's creativity and curiosity.

Fisher Price Brilliant Basics Baby's First Blocks

Blocks are recognized to be one of the best baby educational toys ever invented. They stimulate a baby's creativity and aid in his overall development. The Fisher Price Brilliant Basics Baby's First Blocks consist of 10 brightly colored blocks of different shapes. They can be dropped into an open bucket or pushed through a shape-sorting lid. As the baby grows older, he can move on to sorting, stacking, and identifying colors and shapes. These blocks are recommended for babies 6 months to 3 years old.

This baby toy encourages the development of motor skills. Filling the bucket with blocks and dumping them out strengthens eye-to-hand coordination. Grasping and sorting blocks develops hand dexterity. Playing with the blocks also stimulates creative thinking and enhances problem-solving skills.

Baby's First Blocks are available at Amazon.com, with prices starting at less than eight dollars.

LeapFrog Spin and Sing Alphabet Zoo

Babies can learn the alphabet, animal names and sounds with this baby educational toy from LeapFrog. A catchy tune plays while the ball is spinning. Letters of the alphabet are introduced using animal names. The Spin and Sing Alphabet Zoo helps babies develop their motor skills by batting or spinning the wheel over and over again.

Babies as well as parents will love the catchy songs. This toy is very entertaining and will hold a young child's attention for hours. It is highly recommended for babies who are 6 months to 3 years old.
This educational toy for babies is amazingly durable and well made. It is definitely worth a lot more than its price of less than $20 at Amazon.com.

Melissa & Doug Deluxe Bug Jug Fill & Spill Soft Baby Toy

Fill and spill toys come with their own containers for self-storage. They're great for hours of play at home and as a travel toy. Babies love the Melissa & Doug Deluxe Bug Jug Fill & Spill Soft Baby Toy for little ones age 6 months and up.

Four bugs made of soft materials come in a plastic jug with mesh fabric top. These multi-textured toy bugs crinkle, squeak, jingle and rattle. There's a grasshopper, spider, ladybug and butterfly.

This soft baby educational toy helps your baby develop fine motor skills as well as hand-eye coordination. The toys are machine washable, which is great because some babies like to stuff the bugs in their mouths. Different textures help stimulate your baby's tactile senses.

www.made-from-india.com - Find Toys manufacturers, Toys exporters and Toys suppliers with the advent of the internet, more and more shops are selling their wares through the net. There are many online toy stores and just a search on the net will reveal many of them. It makes sense to buy toys online. One can compare prices and also browse through different types of toys fro the comfort of their home. There are so many categories of toys including educational toys (like mecanno), intelligent toys (remember the robot which whistles and moves if you clap your hands).

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Jakas Toys

Toys by the Indian firm, Jakas, are very popular as collectables on the Indian market.

They began production in 1954, and these earliest teddies are quite rare. All the joints were moveable, with glass eyes and made from mohair. Kapok was used as the stuffing.

By the 1960s synthetic fur and plastic joints and eyes were in use. Prices for the toys were therefore lowered, as these materials were cheaper than the traditional ones.

The distinctive Jakas teddy, with outstretched arms and typical embroidered face, was introduced in the 1960s. Unjointed, they did bend at the hips, in order to be able to sit. An extensive range of toys were also made, all with the typical face and included dogs, bunnies, and poodles. A wheeled range of animals such as bears and horses was made in both a pre-walker and a walker size. Teddies were made in many sizes, often light brown the most famous being Big Ted. Pyjama cases were also popular!

As did Joy Toys, Jakas could not compete with the influx of cheaper Asian toys from the 1970s onwards, though it did reduce the quality and costs, in an attempt to stay in business. In the 1990s Jakas was forced to close its doors.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Popular Dumb Promotional Toys Distribution Mistakes

Are you planning to give away customizable toys in your next promotion? Here are the normal customized toys distribution mistakes you must know and utterly avoid:

First, a myriad of people often miss researching first about their target clients before giving the promo toys to them. As a result, they were not able to give away the appropriate custom toys to their target audience. Say, it is not really a able give customizable teddy bears to corporate bosses and employees for it would be mushy and impractical. A able promotional toy that they will absolutely love is something that will take away their stress or distract them away from it, such as a personalized game or custom stress ball.

Second, another normal mistake is not planning a special event where these particular promo gifts will be given. This primarily results in non-relevance of the custom toys and hence lesser impact on the consumers. An event or a holiday gives greater importance to the customizable rewards that we give. Hence, we must take time and effort to think of a themed event that will make our personalized goodies giving extra special. A corporate party is a appropriate place to give away business corporate rewards like these. In particular, make your theme "bringing back the child in us" or anything that would let your clients "escape from stress." The able thing about logo imprinted toys is the fact that they relieve us from stress and loosen us up from the daily grinds of work. It is hence wise to invest on this reality to be able to attract a myriad of clients towards our brand.

And lastly, a myriad of companies forget to wrap customizable gifts simply because they think that it is just a waste of time and money. But, these people forget that image is primarily everything in marketing and hence packaging should not be neglected. In a corporate gift, the first impression will be extensively drawn from the packaging of the customizable gift. Hence, any company that is planning to give away promotional gifts in their next promotion should always consider wrapping it up in a great wrapper.

The only thing you have to keep in mind so you can avoid committing the dumb imprinted toys distribution ideas mentioned above is: give what your clients want and project a good image of your company.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

6 Tips for Selecting Christmas Toys 2010

Shoppers will not be disappointed with the selection this year, shopping early will be key in locating those most sought after popular toys that their children want. Retailers have been cautious in ordering large inventories so buyers be-aware there maybe limited quantities of the hottest Christmas Toys this year.

As parents begin to search out the perfect toys for their children, whether be in retail stores or online they will ultimately have to make decisions about which toys are really the best ones for their child. Just because your child "must have" the latest toy does not necessarily mean that it is an appropriate toy for them.

If you are new to toy shopping or a seasoned professional a few tips to keep in mind when shopping for toys:

  • Look for age-appropriate toys.
  • General usefulness of the toy.
  • Does it require two or more playing with it
  • Can they play with the toy by themselves?
  • Safe to play with?
  • Overall quality of the toy?

Selecting toys for your children or extended family should be done with the child in mind: are they creative, adventurous, like action figures or prefer games and puzzles. One other factor to keep in mind is that children change their interest frequently and what they had-to-have for Christmas may be tossed aside tomorrow. Overwhelming children with too many toys is another factor to consider when shopping, if at all possible purchase the one toy they want the most, with a few other top choices this will surely delight them the most.

The last thing to keep in mind is that whatever Christmas toys you choose, it is assured to make Christmas a special time.

www.made-from-india.com - Find Toys manufacturers, Toys exporters and Toys suppliers with the advent of the internet, more and more shops are selling their wares through the net. There are many online toy stores and just a search on the net will reveal many of them. It makes sense to buy toys online. One can compare prices and also browse through different types of toys fro the comfort of their home. There are so many categories of toys including educational toys (like mecanno), intelligent toys (remember the robot which whistles and moves if you clap your hands).

Though one can still find plastic toys like dolls, these are more popular in villages. The urban kids are more interested in toy guns and toy cars. Guess it’s high time you sat down by your computer and visited an online toy store.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Educational Toys For Kids - Learning and Playing Go Hand in Hand

The right type of educational toys for kids is highly dependent on their age and skill level. This learning from a toy starts at a young age no matter what.

Many toddlers are given the shapes and cube toy. This is where they learn to match up blocks with the shapes on the cube. But that is not all they learn. At that young age they are still learning how to control their arms and fingers. Grasping at an object and actually controlling the fingers to hold an object has to be learned. Then there is hand to eye coordination to take the block and place it up to the cube. It sounds very simple to someone that already knows this, but for a young mind, it is a first encounter. This is challenging but can be completed with practice.

Jigsaw puzzles pose a different approach than just learning to coordinate objects. When there is no border a strategy to complete the task has to be devised. The first one most use is to start with one piece and build upon it. This does work, but takes a considerable amount of time and patience. This is when most devise a new strategy of forming the border first then building the areas that are the easiest to identify. The speeds up the process and completion of the task can be accomplished faster.

The more complicated the toy is the greater the possibility of learning is present. Just make sure when you choose educational toys for kids that they can actually do it by matching their skills to the difficulty level of the toy.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Kids Learn in Using Ride on Toys

If you are thinking that rides are only for your kids to enjoy and nothing more...you're wrong. There are several educational toys that are found on the market today. There are books, puzzles, musical instrument, doll houses, action figures, board games, building blocks, card games and even electronic gadgets. All these will surely help your kids learn but ride on toys can teach a lot of things to your kids.

When you look at it, it' s just a simple toy-kids ride on it, make it move and that's it but in reality, these types of toys help your kids learn many things. Their development can be through intellectual, physical, emotional and social.

Ride on toys comes in different colors, shapes and sizes and in line with these, by simply asking your kids what do they like best, they will be able to describe what they want, "I like the green one" or "the yellow one that has 3 big black tires". Obviously, their visual skills are used here. Imagination definitely will come in once they play it.

Their intellectual ability is practiced. Motor skills are also enhanced with this toy. With physical contact, using eye-hand coordination and manual dexterity, they know how these ride on toys can be maneuvered. They learn how to manipulate it and eventually became "masters" of it. Their large motor skills are also developed by body coordination and balance.

Their mathematical skills are also challenged by solving problem. If one day, their toy won't work, they will know how to make it work again. It can be due to the battery or a part of it that's causing the problem. Again, their ability to categorize and construct the possible solutions will enable them to solve it.

Cooperative and linguistic skills are the skills that will be developed once they are able to play with other kids. They will learn on how to mingle with their playmates. They will have a chance to express their ideas, thoughts and feelings. They will learn to listen to other kids' ideas and suggestions. Here is when your child cooperates with their play mate in reaching their goal when they play "pretend". This skill is best developed when you allow them to mingle with other kids on parks or playgrounds.

Lastly, in developing their independent skills, with their ride on toys, they will learn to decide on their own. They will learn on how things really work.

So when you have second thoughts of getting your kids ride on toys because you think it will not help them grow, now you can stop thinking twice...these toys will definitely help your kids in improving in many ways.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Best Holiday Toys 2010 - For Girls and Boys

Think Holiday Toy List and we think grand talking dolls or remote controlled cars and oversized ponies, on the down side a few years ago all of these hot toys also came with an equally grand price tag. Most of us could have easily afforded these four years ago but with the current economic climate even Holiday Toys have been put on the budget. Fortunately technology has developed as fast as the economy may have declined. As is the case with most digital technology like Televisions and Computers seem to decrease in price as new technology is developed. Similarly several Toys on this year's hot toy list are interactive or RC toys with a reasonable price tag. If history repeats itself like last year's hot holiday toy the Zhu Zhu pets which retailed from just $10 (depending on the retailer). Their price tag won favor with parents but kids are still in awe of their interactive capabilities.

The zhu zhu pets still dominate this years holiday toy list with the release of over 60 zhu zhu pet hamsters, clothing, accessories and play sets but they also ace stiff competition from toy giants like Mattel and Hasbro, Webkins and the New Learning Curve but with a new reasonable price tag. Several of the top holiday toys for 2010 listed in this article range from $9.99 to $50.

Hasbro has a series of Furreal Friends including monkeys and elephant pets and the incredible Puppy that Grows and Knows My Name toy. Snuggimals pint sized toy puppies and kittens are sure to give the zhu zhu pets some stiff competition this year.

Top of the picks for Preschoolers and Toddlers is Mattel's range of Sing-a ma-jigs, a singing plush toy quartet. Brightly colored for visual stimulation, these singing thing a ma jigs also come with programmed phrases and can sing in harmony with other singamajigs.

Another Favourite for preschoolers is the Learning Curve Dinosaur Train toys base on the popular PBS show Dinosaur Train. Collectible include Dinosaur characters and a matching train car are available from $8.99 while the interactive talking Dinosaur Train Toys start at $19.99. If you want to go grand this holiday season. The LMax Learning Game from Leapfrog could just d the trick. This is an upgrade from the previous Leapster Learning game.If you can't get your kids to leave the TV screen then this is a great way to get them to learn while watching TV. Leapster Lmax plugs directly into the TV set. It also comes in all kids favorite TV characters. Instead of just watching their favourite shows kids will now be able to learn and interact with their favorite characters through various games and puzzles which develop motor skills. The Leapster LMax is best for preschooler sup to 4th grade.

Best Toys for girls include dolls as well as a few creative sets like the Pixos Craft without the Mess set. If you love to spoil your little princess with dolls for the holiday then the top of the picks include the Baby Alive Doll which is perfect for girls who love to play mommy, Baby Alive dolls come with up t 20 pre-programmed phrases including 'I love you mommy' and uh oh I made a stinky' that right The baby alive doll comes with special food, it also poops just like a real baby too. Older girls may enjoy the new dolls range from Mattel called Monster High Dolls. These are available in 17 inch fashion dolls or soft plush rag dolls. Each doll comes with a pet. This retail at $16.99.

Best Toys for boys include a feast of RC gadgets and toys including the new Hot Wheels RC Stealth Vehicle which also feature the Batman Tumbler. These micro cars are the size of a credit card is the first RC Hot Wheels of its kind. These retail for $24.99. Spy Toys are always hit with boys especially f it is to spy on his sisters for bonus points with mom and dad. Spy gadgets from Spy Net feature a range of gizmos and gadget under $50. Apart from the RC Walking Ion man Action figure, the Star Wars Galactic Hero Play set is yet another popular holiday toy choice for boys or girls.

www.made-from-india.com - Find Toys manufacturers, Toys exporters and Toys suppliers with the advent of the internet, more and more shops are selling their wares through the net. There are many online toy stores and just a search on the net will reveal many of them. It makes sense to buy toys online. One can compare prices and also browse through different types of toys fro the comfort of their home. There are so many categories of toys including educational toys (like mecanno), intelligent toys (remember the robot which whistles and moves if you clap your hands).

Monday, October 11, 2010

Christmas Toys Are Fascinating Children

Not any individual has that fascination for toys, when they are converted into adults as compared to their childhood, when they used to grumble or creep for toys. The memories of childhood of each individual are in abundant, where their toys hold a great significance. Now, is the time to return back to these memories, as the Christmas is arising ahead and you and your children are ready to rejuvenate your selves with the Christmas toys?

The time ahead should be initiated, that holds a demand's of your children to fulfill their desire, to purchase them a new Christmas gift in form of a toy. These toys recommend variety according to your child's dream. Some of these are action toys, software toys, commercially promoting toys and mechanical toys. When the children are alone in their rooms, they fascinate them selves with their favorite product.

As the time is arising near by every one will think, to purchase the toy that is the eminence one and your child feels the essence of it, cultivating your child into a renaissance moment. Before you purchase a child, go through the following tips, which could reconcile your finance also.

  • New: The children are very smart; they have their unerring eyes on the previous toys. So, it is always appreciated to purchase them the newest one that should also have a wave related to popularity.
  • Saving: As the Christmas arrives, the period of recession starts altogether. It is a paramount time to save money altogether that disturbs your credit card bills.Your pockets should be restricted and one should search for a toy at best possible price.
  • Safety: Do check the quality of the product before it is purchased; otherwise being eaten up by child could create havoc, ruining your Christmas.
  • Love:This is the most essential part of your kid's desire, as listening to them carefully resolves the problem towards implementing the purchase of their demand.

www.made-from-india.com - Find Toys manufacturers, Toys exporters and Toys suppliers with the advent of the internet, more and more shops are selling their wares through the net. There are many online toy stores and just a search on the net will reveal many of them. It makes sense to buy toys online. One can compare prices and also browse through different types of toys fro the comfort of their home. There are so many categories of toys including educational toys (like mecanno), intelligent toys (remember the robot which whistles and moves if you clap your hands).

Though one can still find plastic toys like dolls, these are more popular in villages. The urban kids are more interested in toy guns and toy cars. Guess it’s high time you sat down by your computer and visited an online toy store.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Developmental Baby Toys

Children have a lot to learn, and they do this largely through play, so developmental baby toys are a fantastic way to help your child's development.

When your baby is born, their brain is wired up in a very random manner. The brain consists of millions of neurons, and hundreds of millions of synapses - the wires that connect one neuron to another. Initially the wiring is random, but as the brain gets feedback from the environment, some of the synapses strengthen, some weaken or even disappear. This is how we learn.

Developmental baby toys are designed to help build your child's basic skills. Initially this would be the senses - a baby does not know how to interpret light, sound, touch, etc., and so the brain has to decipher the mass of colour, sound etc. into something it can deal with. We do this automatically now - our brains have learnt, but a baby's hasn't. Then comes basic motor skills, crawling, walking, talking, and basic cognitive ability. Your baby's toys can help with all of these things.

In the early stages - birth to 6 months, your baby will be developing senses, and basic motor skills, so things like mobiles are great for developing sight. Mobiles provide recognisable shapes and patterns that move smoothly through their environment, that a baby can fix their attention on, and also they'll try reaching for it which helps develop motor function. Another toy that's great at this stage of development is play mats, these help develop motor skills, and the tactile sense.

In the later stages - 6 months to 1 year, the child will be moving on to more advanced motor skills, and simple cognitive function, so toys that help them learn to walk, (such as pushing and pulling toys), and toys that will engage their reasoning such as very simple puzzles, and blocks will help here.

The wrong kinds of toys for your child's current stage of development will do very little to help them - for example if you gave a puzzle to a child of 3 months, they wouldn't be able to interpret their environment in a way that's sufficient to understand the point of the puzzle, and hence it would be a meaningless toy.

www.made-from-india.com - Find Toys manufacturers, Toys exporters and Toys suppliers with the advent of the internet, more and more shops are selling their wares through the net. There are many online toy stores and just a search on the net will reveal many of them. It makes sense to buy toys online. One can compare prices and also browse through different types of toys fro the comfort of their home. There are so many categories of toys including educational toys (like mecanno), intelligent toys (remember the robot which whistles and moves if you clap your hands).

It's important to pay attention to your child's current stage of development - you should be giving them toys that will enable them to practice their current focus in development. It's pretty simple stuff, but if your child has learnt to crawl, and is now faltering on two feet, give them toys that will help them practice walking. If they're learning to talk, play phones with them. If you understand at what developmental stage your child is, you can do a lot to help them by giving them the developmental baby toys that will aid learning at their current stage.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Toddler Toys

Each phase of childhood growth needs a certain kind of toy that's appropriate to the toddler's understanding and capacity. Most couples prefer toys that are educational for the young children and it's extremely vital that couples pick toddler toys that are educational for the children to ensure that they'll have the ability to educate and enjoy themselves at the same time.

The toddlers are popularly known to be the most avid explorers amongst the age group of kids. They're eager, keen and could be extremely active when it is time to play. This includes the period when the toddler begins learning how to interact with other people around them, how to walk and talk. Youngsters can be extremely emotionally unstable and oftentimes perform temper tantrums which must always be dealt with by the parents with understanding and ease.

Youngsters in this phase enjoy playing alongside other children but not with them. This is what is called "parallel play". They wish to play above the rules and might alter toys frequently due to their attention span that is extremely short. Youngsters begin to mimic adult tasks they view such as setting up tables, cooking and driving. Make believe playtime is extremely popular amongst toddlers. Couples need to have the ability to see their kid's interest by giving them the ideal toddler toys that are educational which will develop their creativity and social skills as well as stimulate their imagination.

The baby girl will enjoy possessing a set for cooking which contains plastic dishes, pans and pots. They enjoy cooking and serving food that is imaginary. They love having their own tiny baby doll to care for. You'll view the little girl spending lots of time feeding her baby and speaking to her. If you speak noisily, she'll ask you to be a little less loud due to her baby girl waking up from her slumber.

The little girl will enjoy possessing a tiny purse which she could carry around just as you do. She will enjoy putting some essential items such as a mirror or old lipsticks. You could go for beautiful and dazzling purses for your little girl.

Dolls are thought to be the ideal playmate for a little girl. You could give her a baby doll set complete with accessories so she could have a fantastic playtime with it.

You could give your son a basket ball set that is safe for utilisation. The sets are easily adjustable so you could adjust it as your son grows.

Nearly every boy possesses a fascination with toy vehicles. This could be a great choice. Other choices such as bulldozers that push all obstacles from its path, trains that run through the lines, boats that move in water and planes that fly are excellent choices.

Excavators and dump trucks are additionally excellent options that'll make your son spend lots of time digging his sandbox with the vehicles. You'll need to purchase toys that can be operated easily and that are not complicated. More useful choices such as colourful rings, building blocks and drums are common toddler toys amongst little boys.

Parenting could be both exhausting and exciting at the very same time.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Squinkies Toys - Hot Toy For 2010

Children these days are going mad over the new toy squinkies, they have become fond of these tiny miniature toys which could be found in almost every design ranging from puppies to kittens, from babies to princesses, pets to ponies. The product was released in July of this year and has gained a lot of appreciation by children ranging from five and above. Even though when seen, many people would think the product is for children only, it has caught the eyes of adults too with their cute and adorable look.`

The squinkies have actually driven out the kid inside people especially adults. With children being who they are, they enjoy spending hours and hours of their free time in playing with them along with their imaginative world. They product has been made in a way that no child would get bored of playing with it. They are just too cute and adorable to be left in a corner or thrown away.

On look people would probably think that the squinkies are a girl toy game made especially for girls to play with. However, that is not the case; the product has been made for all genders to play with. The product does not carry any form of gender discrimination, it is just the kind of figures they guys would play with n the sets would differ between the two genders. Making the product a playful experience for the children to play with them with the use of their imagination has made squinkies turn into something more than just a toy.

www.made-from-india.com - Find Toys manufacturers, Toys exporters and Toys suppliers with the advent of the internet, more and more shops are selling their wares through the net. There are many online toy stores and just a search on the net will reveal many of them. It makes sense to buy toys online. One can compare prices and also browse through different types of toys fro the comfort of their home. There are so many categories of toys including educational toys (like mecanno), intelligent toys (remember the robot which whistles and moves if you clap your hands).

The product brings about smiles on the faces of children showing the fun they have while playing with it. This is probably not the end, children want more of squinkies they trade for other squinkies or at most times they insist their parents buy it.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Avatar the Last Airbender Toys - The Most Popular Among Anime-Cartoon Toys

Great success received anime-cartoon TV Show - Avatar The Last Airbender continues to fascinate both new and existing who saw the TV Show viewers. This show has received such popularity that in trade there resulted various pleasant trifles connected with this work, the T-shirts, caps, books, games as well as the Avatar the Last Airbender Toys.

Avatar the Last Airbender is one of the most successful anime-cartoon TV shows ever created. It received an overwhelming response all over the world. It also had various criticisms and had won numerous awards, here are a few of them: Best Action-Adventure TV Series, Best Animated Television Production for Children, Favorite Cartoon, and many, many others! That's why diverse Avatar the Last Airbender toys are very popular among children. This film consists of 60 series and is called anime-cartoon, because of mingle of those two styles. You can really notice it when you are viewing it, although, to tell the truth, it could be more attributed to the cartoon style.

All the action takes place around a young boy - Aang and his mission. He is the Avatar, and he has powerful supernatural abilities. He also is - the last Airbender. Like others Avatars who lived in the world before him, Aang also could learn how to manage all four elements. As in the nature he was Airbender, he could manage the air very well, so he had to learn how manage the remaining three elements: water, earth and fire. When he was traveling around the world to protect the people, mostly he was using what he could manage the best - the air. However, later, while he was traveling, he had met good teachers of other elements, and finally he learned to control all four elements.

Avatars primary mission was to protect the innocent people around the world, from the Fire Nation. And finally to the end of his mission and on the end of this TV show, Aang had to fight with the lord of Fire Nation, who sought to destroy everything and conquer the earth. Avatar all the time on his journey was encouraged and get lots of help of his friends, is Katara - Waterbender, which he had fallen in love, and Sokka, Katara's brother, a young fighter. All, the time they were traveling through the world with Bison APPA and Lemur Momo. Besides among the Avatar the Last Airbender toys there are released not only Aang figurines, but also other characters who have just been mentioned can be found. You can find even Prince Zuko.

During their travel, they had suffered various adventures, discovered and got to know lots of interesting things. They have visited lots of new places, and had met with a wide range of characters. At his trip Aang was moving to the end of his task - to beat the prince of Fire Nation. However, a considerable problem had arose. Avatar in order to overcome the governor had completely to neutralize him. He had to kill him. But how to do it? The Avatar was respectful and loving for every life monk, and more importantly, he was a 12 years old boy. It was very difficult to decide for him how to do it. He even sought that the answer he will get by applying and asking for advice from former Avatars, from their spirits.

www.made-from-india.com - Find Toys manufacturers, Toys exporters and Toys suppliers with the advent of the internet, more and more shops are selling their wares through the net. There are many online toy stores and just a search on the net will reveal many of them. It makes sense to buy toys online. One can compare prices and also browse through different types of toys fro the comfort of their home. There are so many categories of toys including educational toys, intelligent toys

Friday, July 23, 2010

Outdoor Toys For Kids That Will Improve Their Development and Still Be Fun

In this day and age, it is so easy for children to stay indoors and play with video games or watch TV, or even play on the computer. But due to this sedentary life, many children are falling behind in emotional, physical and developmental growth. Children have an innate desire to learn new things if they are both encouraged and stimulated. As a parent, finding play things such as outdoor toys for kids will allow them to have fun and improve both their fine and gross motor skills.

Children learn the best when they are able to explore and have fun. Outdoor toys for kids such as a basketball or football set is great for teaching older kids hand to eye coordination and how to play with other children as a team player or in a competitive spirit.

Outdoor toys for kids come in all forms and purposes. Children love to mimic their elders. If they see mommy or daddy outdoors playing in the garden, they will be sure to get down in the dirt with you. By buying items such as "Melissa and Doug Sunny Patch Toys" which are a wide selection of plastic gardening tools like a rake, gloves, tool caddies, and watering cans, you can help encourage your child to learn new skills. You child will learn how nature grows and benefits life. He will learn dexterity, and discipline. You could use this time for role playing, or telling stories while you teach your child about nature.

Razor Sole Skates are becoming one of the popular outdoor toys for kids of an older age. This product is not only fun, but one of the best tools for teaching balance, and coordination. These types of toys are great for teaching your child persistence and determination as well while they consistently practice to improve their performance.

The Pacific One Touch Play Tents are great for spurring your child's imagination and learning to role play with others. Set one up in the backyard and watch how your child learns to interact with his friends as they play out creative scenarios running in and around these outdoor fun houses.

www.made-from-india.com - Find Toys manufacturers, Toys exporters and Toys suppliers with the advent of the internet, more and more shops are selling their wares through the net. There are many online toy stores and just a search on the net will reveal many of them. It makes sense to buy toys online. One can compare prices and also browse through different types of toys fro the comfort of their home. There are so many categories of toys including educational toys (like mecanno), intelligent toys

While there are many outdoor toys for kids products on the market today, some popular favorites for parents of little ones who are still just learning so much, are the children's ride on toys such as the Radio Flyer Big Wheel, and the John Deere Heavy Hauler. Children will spend hours on these fun toys perfecting their coordination and balance. There is no limit to the imagination with these types of toys while children can learn to express themselves both alone or with a group of friends.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Toy Tow Trucks

Every dad dreams of playing cars with his little boy. Who doesn't picture father and son scooting along on the living room floor, making motorized sounds together? Or in this day and age, dad and daughter? Whoever it may be, they have many choices when it comes to the particular car or truck they want to play with. But what happens when the toy car breaks down? Why, it's the toy tow truck to the rescue.

Toy tow trucks are a novel idea. They have all the qualities of a toy car- four wheels, the ability to roll across the floor, fake windows and doors- with the added bonus of a lift on the back to carry other cars around. Usually there is a truck cab up front, and a crane with a hook in the back. If the toy is equipped with a moving crane, it is considered even more valuable. Moving mechanical parts always make something more exciting.

These playthings can come in a variety of colors and sizes. Many children's toys come in bold, primary colors, such as red, blue, or yellow. Primary colors are more attractive to younger children than pastels or patterns. They also come in many different sizes. The child should be able to firmly grasp and roll the truck in order to properly play with it. Make sure to read the product label to determine if the toy is appropriate for a specific age group. These trucks with removable parts should not be given to young children who might choke or swallow them.

It is very important to remember that these automobiles do not come with specific instructions. It is up to the user to determine the situation and use his or her imagination to play with the toy. This fosters creative thinking in a child, since the child must come up with the situation or sound effects that are necessary in his or her mind at the time. These toys also increase hand and eye coordination as the child utilizes the crane or lift feature and rolls it along a surface.

www.made-from-india.com - Find Toys manufacturers, Toys exporters and Toys suppliers with the advent of the internet, more and more shops are selling their wares through the net. There are many online toy stores and just a search on the net will reveal many of them. It makes sense to buy toys online. One can compare prices and also browse through different types of toys fro the comfort of their home. There are so many categories of toys including educational toys (like mecanno), intelligent toys (remember the robot which whistles and moves if you clap your hands).

Whatever kind of truck you choose to play with, whatever size or color you decide to go with, whatever the situation, you will be playing with a toy that challenges the imagination and inspires a child (or parent) during the act of play.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Cute and Funny Boba Fett Toys and Figures

Without any doubt, Boba Fett is one of the coolest Star Wars characters and, therefore, all kinds of Boba Fett helmets, figurines, statues and other collectibles are a hot commodity among collectors. This time, let's forget about all the exclusive, ultra expensive limited edition items and concentrate on the funny side of the famous bounty hunter. Let me introduce you to various kinds bobble heads, plush toys and other similar items which are fun to collect, won't ruin your family budget and are very likely to make you smile and enjoy building your collection. It can also be a great way for your children to start collecting Star Wars toys and figures themselves.

Boba Fett Bobble Heads
These cute collectible dolls are also known as wobblers or nodders. Their typically over sized heads are attached to their bodies with a spring which causes the head to bobble every time you lightly tap it. The company which produces most of the Star Wars bobble heads including several Boba Fett dolls is called Funko. Apart from the standard bobble head doll, their product line also contains BobaFett Funko Force Bobble Head with articulated arms, BobaFett Computer Sitter Bobble Head which can be seated on top of your computer screen to guard your monitor, or a 12-inches tall BobaFett Bobble Bank which not only guards your money, but also works as a fully functional bobble head at the same time.

Boba Fett Plush Toys
These cute, squeezable and collectible toys are usually approximately 7 - 8 inches tall and made of soft, hand washable polyester fiber material. The most common ones are the Boba Fett Super Deformed Plush Toy by Comic Images and the Official M&M's Star Wars M-Pire Plush by Hasbro.

Other Toys
Besides everyone's favorite bobble heads and plush toys, there are also some other items to consider, like the set of 3 chubby Star Wars nesting dolls inspired by the traditional Russian nesting doll concept (each carefully crafted figure can be placed inside the larger figures). The set includes 3 cute figures standing 1.5 to 3 inches tall: Jango Fett, Boba, and Boba as a child. Another extremely cute toy inspired by the bounty hunter is the Star Wars Mr. Potato Head Spuda Fett by Hasbro. It is greatly detailed and in addition to the great detailed armor he comes with his laser rifle and jet-pack.

www.made-from-india.com - Find Toys manufacturers, Toys exporters and Toys suppliers with the advent of the internet, more and more shops are selling their wares through the net. There are many online toy stores and just a search on the net will reveal many of them. It makes sense to buy toys online. One can compare prices and also browse through different types of toys fro the comfort of their home. There are so many categories of toys including educational toys (like mecanno), intelligent toys (remember the robot which whistles and moves if you clap your hands).

I believe that if your kids love the Star Wars movies and especially Boba Fett as character, they will definitely appreciate any of the above toys as a birthday or Christmas gift.