Every dad dreams of playing cars with his little boy. Who doesn't picture father and son scooting along on the living room floor, making motorized sounds together? Or in this day and age, dad and daughter? Whoever it may be, they have many choices when it comes to the particular car or truck they want to play with. But what happens when the toy car breaks down? Why, it's the toy tow truck to the rescue.
Toy tow trucks are a novel idea. They have all the qualities of a toy car- four wheels, the ability to roll across the floor, fake windows and doors- with the added bonus of a lift on the back to carry other cars around. Usually there is a truck cab up front, and a crane with a hook in the back. If the toy is equipped with a moving crane, it is considered even more valuable. Moving mechanical parts always make something more exciting.
These playthings can come in a variety of colors and sizes. Many children's toys come in bold, primary colors, such as red, blue, or yellow. Primary colors are more attractive to younger children than pastels or patterns. They also come in many different sizes. The child should be able to firmly grasp and roll the truck in order to properly play with it. Make sure to read the product label to determine if the toy is appropriate for a specific age group. These trucks with removable parts should not be given to young children who might choke or swallow them.
It is very important to remember that these automobiles do not come with specific instructions. It is up to the user to determine the situation and use his or her imagination to play with the toy. This fosters creative thinking in a child, since the child must come up with the situation or sound effects that are necessary in his or her mind at the time. These toys also increase hand and eye coordination as the child utilizes the crane or lift feature and rolls it along a surface.
www.made-from-india.com - Find Toys manufacturers, Toys exporters and Toys suppliers with the advent of the internet, more and more shops are selling their wares through the net. There are many online toy stores and just a search on the net will reveal many of them. It makes sense to buy toys online. One can compare prices and also browse through different types of toys fro the comfort of their home. There are so many categories of toys including educational toys (like mecanno), intelligent toys (remember the robot which whistles and moves if you clap your hands).
Whatever kind of truck you choose to play with, whatever size or color you decide to go with, whatever the situation, you will be playing with a toy that challenges the imagination and inspires a child (or parent) during the act of play.